Book Reviews
"As a father of a child with cystic fibrosis, it was inspiring to read Kathryn Archambault's heartwarming story of her lifelong friendship with Charlie and their shared battle against CF. For young readers, Charlie and Me will introduce them to cystic fibrosis through Charlie and his friend, Kathryn. For all readers, it is a story of their unconditional love and devotion to each other. Charlie and Me is a valuable and unique addition to the small library of books on cystic fibrosis. On behalf of parents of children with cystic fibrosis, thank you, Kathryn, for sharing your experience and for sharing Charlie with us."
Don Warner, Author -"Walks on the Beach with Angie": A Father's Story of Love
"At the children's hospital, by my son's bedside, I read a book called "Charlie and Me" by Kathryn Archambault. Reading about the friendship between the author and her childhood friend, Charlie Stockley, my eyes filled with tears. Charlie's illness is the same as my own son's: cystic fibrosis. The pages were filled with a story I am only too farmiliar with: a story of time-consuming and arduous medical care, fighting for life, questions about the future, and always hope. I love how Kathryn introduces us to Charlie as a wonderful, talented young boy with hopes and dreams sparkling in his eyes. She helps us to shed the label of "CF" and see that he is first and foremost a kid that just happens to have CF, and I am grateful for the hope in her message: that my own children with CF will find love and friendship that will endure the challenges that living with CF brings."
Lisa C. Greene; Mother of two children with CF, author, speaker and parenting educator.
"The book Charlie and Me is a dream come true. That Kathryn has taken this very loving way to memorialize their friendship and to tell Charlie's story touches me deeply. Kathryn and Charlie had the kind of friendship that most people dream of but may never really get to experience in a lifetime. The book is such a loving tribute to Charlie. It will comfort those who battle CF everyday, and will give Charlie a chance to live on in the hearts of so many."
Allison Stockley, loving mother to Charlie